Puzz 3D CD Rom
Frequently Asked Questions

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We found that most of the problems on recent operating systems are caused by QuickTime. Please run your Puzz3dCD games with Quicktime 4.0.

Game crashes back to Windows (Especially when starting the exploration phase)

Game loop in exploration phase

There are two possible causes for this:
  1. You have Quicktime version 4.1 or higher installed. These versions of Quicktime are incompatible with our software.
  2. You have multiple versions of Quicktime installed on your computer at the same time.

The solution is to uninstall any and all versions of Quicktime present on your computer.

First, go to Start / Settings / Control Panel.  In Control panel, open up "Add/remove programs".

Scroll down the list until you see Quicktime. Select one instance of Quicktime , and click the "Add/remove/ button. Follow the instructions to uninstall. Repeat this step for each version of Quicktime present.

When Quicktime is completely uninstalled download this version of Quicktime and install Quicktime 4.0 on you computer. PC or MAC

Sound is scratchy, I cant hear the characters speaking

This problem is usually caused by a faulty installation of Direct-X , or outdated audio drivers.

Make sure you have the latest version of Direct-X (recent versions are available at http://www.microsoft.com/directx ).

Check your audio card's manufacturer's documentation for information on how to update your audio drivers.

The problem might also be caused by Quicktime Sound settings. Check the following:

Go to "Start / Settings " Control panel", and double click the Quicktime Icon.

Click on the small menu at the top, and select "Sound Out"

Make sure the settings are as follows:

Device for playback: DirectSound

Rate: 44,100 kHz

16 bit


This should give you better sound performance.

I have a large black frame around the work area; How can i play with a full screen?

If you wish to have a larger work area, simply change your screen resolution to either 640X480 or 800X600.

To do so, go to Start / Settings / Control Panel . Once in Control panel, open up "Display" , and in the "Configuration" tab, change the settings using the slide bar.

Please note that the Orient Express CD has an option menu on startup to let you select game resolution.

How Can I run my Puzz3D CD on Windows XP?
Normally, our games should run on it.

On XP, you have the ability to tell various programs to run in simulated modes, which emulate other Operating systems (like Win98)

Simply right click on the executable file (by default in C:\Program Files\DYAD games), and select. properties.

In the compatibility tab, select "run this program in compatibility mode for": and select Win95

Changing the compatibility mode on Quicktime is also recommended.